Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

21st International Conference
Engineering Mechanics 2015

May 11 – 14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic

Prague, May 15, 2015

Dear colleagues,

First, I would like to thank everyone again for her/his active participation in the 21st ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2015 Conference in SVRATKA. I hope you enjoyed the meeting.

During last four days 203 experts from the Czech Republic and abroad have had the opportunity to enjoy two keynote lectures and 159 contributions in four parallel sections. Out of 23 posters, 14 posters entered the competition of the general manager of ZDAS. The main prize has been awarded to the poster Simulation of Nonlinear Characteristic of Aileron Attachment on Aeroelastic Demonstrator Using Active Electromagnetic Spring Concept by Jiří Čečrdle, Jaromír Maleček, Václav Hlavatý and Petr Malínek from Aeronautical Research and Test Institute in Prague.

Thanks to all of you, our main scientific objective to share novel scientific ideas and projects has certainly been successful. Science communications very much live or die according to what the participants are willing to share and I really appreciate everyone's contribution.

To remind the event, several photos have been posted in the gallery. I would be glad if you can share your pictures and supplement our collection. If you should have any further requests or suggestions about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us.

My special thanks are addressed to the young authors. Scientific work is not easy, often tedious and painful, but don’t lose your hearts. Let the thoughts of one of the greatest thinkers of the world inspire your continuous effort:

  • Mechanics is the paradise of the mathematical sciences because by means of it one comes to the most beautiful fruits of mathematics.
  • Just as eating against one’s will is injurious to health, so studying without a liking for it spoils the memory, and it retains nothing it takes in.

(Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519)

In this place, I would like to greatly thank to all, who contributed their effort to the conference success. These are namely
- my closest colleague Cyril Fischer, PhD. for most of the preparation work,
- general manager of ZDAS Miroslav Šabart, MSc. and managing director Ivan Trajteľ, MSc. for favour, noticeable support and great collaboration,
- Michael Formánek, MSc. for excellent management of the cooperation between ZDAS and the organizing committee,
- the both ladies, Dr. Ivana Frolíková and Mrs. Libuše Mokrá, who welcomed you at the registration desk and solved every single problem which had appeared,
- all the assistants in the lecture halls – V. Petráňová, MSc., Ms. M. Neuhäuserová, Mr. Tomáš Brůna, Mr. M. Adorna and P. Zlámal, MSc. – for smooth course of the presentations,
- all the colleagues of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AS CR, who participated in preparation and during the conference,
- manager of the hotel Svratka, Renata Páralová, MSc. and all the personnel of the hotel for very kind and co-operative support,
- and to all others who has contributed to the success of the conference.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the conference EM2015 is over. However, the next year’s conference EM2016 in Svratka is going to be held in May, 9-12, 2016. The event will be organized by the Institute of Thermomechanics under the guidance of Igor Zolotarev, PhD. We invite you to follow the further announcements. With my best regards and wishes for an inspiring year.

Jiří Náprstek
Chairman of the scientific commitee EM2015

The EM2015 organisers invite researchers, industry practitioners, engineers and postgraduate scholars to promote, exchange and disseminate knowledge and experiences of the most recent results and advances in a wide range of topics in Engineering Mechanics, including, but not limited to:

Biomechanics Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics Fracture Mechanics
Historical Structures Kinematics
Mechanics of Solids Mechatronics
Reliability of Structures Thermomechanics
Engineering Computations Scientific Software

The conference aims to encourage the discussion between industry and research and to promote new opportunities for collaboration between theory and practice. Last but not least, students and young colleagues are invited to get involved in research and to gain experiences in presenting and discussing their own work with distinguished researchers in their respective fields.

The 21st conference Engineering Mechanics is going to be held at the Hotel of the ŽĎAS, a.s., situated in the beautiful countryside of the Žďár Highlands.

The majority of participants of the conference will be invited to submit their full texts to the journal Applied Mechanics and Materials, which is published by Trans Tech Publications Inc.. The invitation will be based on recommendation of chairmen and members of the scientific committee. Peer review and no-show policy will be applied in such cases. Alternatively, the authors can opt for publication of full texts of their contributions in on-line proceedings accessible on the web page

All of the posters exhibited at the Conference will be accepted into the competition for the prize of the general manager of the ŽĎAS company unless authors choose otherwise.

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