Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 7 (2001)



May 14 – 17, 2001, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Alena Poživilová and Jan Masák

Copyright © 2001 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

ISBN 80-885918-64-1 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

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Contribution to computations of temperature field of aluminium casting
Mazánková M., Hloušek J.
pages 172 - +7p, full text

The interest of contemporary casting production is directed to the aluminium base alloys. The research starts with the pure aluminium casting where the process of solidification influences the quality of the product. For this goal one must know the temperature fields of the casting and the mould. The contact resistance is analysed. It is necessary to know the space shape of the temperature fields and the history of changes including the total time of solidification. This contribution contains the brief description of the numerical model which has been used by the authors. The model is based on the finite volume heat balance (i.e. the first and the second laws of the thermomechanics). The temperatures were evaluated from a voltage reading on thermocouples. A comparison with measured temperatures as the change in time is presented.

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