Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 7 (2001)



May 14 – 17, 2001, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Alena Poživilová and Jan Masák

Copyright © 2001 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague

ISBN 80-885918-64-1 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

list of papers scientific commitee

Lubrication of artificial joints – an essentially interdisciplinary problem
Pražák J.
pages 18 - +2p, full text

The contemporary prevailing practice in the artificial joints application (endoprosthesis) assumes implicitly a sufficient lubrication of the joint surfaces by the spontaneous effusion fluid of the body liquids. The latter assumption is not apparently universally founded and in many cases probably substantially limits the replacement usefulness. Contemporarily, one assumes namely that the main cause of the definitive of endoprosthesis in the bone structure is caused by the unstable fixation immunobiological reaction of the organism due to the presence of the foreign wear particles torn off from the artificial joint surfaces caused by an imperfect lubrication. The alternative of the spontaneous lubrication is the artificial lubrication using adequate pseudosynovialliquids. The taskfor biomechanics is to find out the latter pseudosynovial liquid. It is a well defined and demarcated task of a pronounced interdisciplinary character. The aim of this contribution is to show the interdisciplinary frame necessary for this task. V roce 1998 byl v eR za spolupnice nekolika ryzkumnych instituci a prfunyslu uveden do zivota program SKELET zamefeny na studium, vYvoj a vYrobu mihrad e1ementu lidskeho kostemiho systemu. V jeho nimci, ph vYvoji umelych kloubnich mihrad, byla studovana take otazka lubrikace techto e1ementu. Soucasna pfevafujici praxe ph aplikaci umelych kloubnich nahrad (kloubnich endoprotez) implicitne pfedpoklada dostatecnou lubrikaci umelych kloubnich ploch sponmnnim efuzatem telnich kapalin. Tento pfedpoklad neni patrne univerzalne opodstatneny, a v rnnohych pfipadech pravdepodobne zasadne omezuje zivotnost nahrady. Nove se totiz konstatovalo, ze hlavni pficinou defektu ukotveni kloubnich nahrad v kosti jsou oterove castice strzene abrazi z umelych kloubnich ploch vzhledem kjejich nedokonale sponmnni lubrikaci. Altemativou ke sponmnni lubrikaci je umela lubrikace pomoci vhodne pseudosynovialni kapaliny. Ukolem pro biomechaniku j e tuto vhodnou kapalinu nalezt. Nalezeni vhodne pseudosynoviaIni kapaliny je pozoruhodne jasne definovanym a ohranicenym Ukolem siIne interdisciplinarniho charakteru. Studium lubrikace umelych kloubnich nahrad vychazi z obecnych tribologickYch zasad - rychozim bodemje tedy mechanicka disciplina tribologie. Za zakladni mode1lubrikace umelych kloubu se zda phrozene brat lubrikaci pfirozenych kloubu - rychozim polem je proto i anatomie. V oblasti revmatologie existuje rozsahla zkusenost s umelou lubrikaci pfirozenych kloubu. Ackoli se v tomto pfipade jedna pfevazne 0 klouby specificky patologicke, jsou ziskane obecne zkusenosti pro studovanou problematiku ryznarnne. Vlastni pseudosynovialni kapalinu je pak tfeba vytvaret na poli makromolekulami chemie .

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