Proceedings Vol. 7 (2001)
May 14 – 17, 2001, Svratka, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2001 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
list of papers scientific commitee
pages 250 - +6p, full text
The paper deals with a problem of finding a fatigue limit criterion for components subjected to combined out-aJ-phase loading. The combination of fully reveresed tension-compression and torsion is consider. Phase shift ¥ of torsion loading is presented as an example. A fatigue limit criterion of notched speciments is presented too. An eligibility of application of composed stresses limit ellipse is also covered.
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All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.