Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 11 (2005)


May 9 – 12, 2005, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Vladimír Fuis, Petr Krejčí and Tomáš Návrat

Copyright © 2005 Institute of Mechanics of Solids, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bruno University of Technology, Brno

ISBN 80-85918-93-5 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

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Numerical solution of the compressible turbulent flow through the gap caused by the incorrect contact of screw surfaces
Vimmr J., Švígler J.
pages 339 - +9p., full text

The paper deals with the numerical simulation of a turbulent compressible fluid flow through the two-dimensional model of a gap caused by the incorrect contact of screw surfaces. The incorrect contact of screw surfaces considered in this paper is caused by a large parallel displacement of the axis of one of the surfaces. Numerical solution of the nonlinear conservative system of the Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes equations is obtained by means of the cell-centred finite volume formulation of the explicit two-step TVD MacCormack scheme proposed by Causon on a structured quadrilateral grid. To simulate the turbulence effects the algebraic Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model is implemented into the own developed numerical code.

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