Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 11 (2005)


May 9 – 12, 2005, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Vladimír Fuis, Petr Krejčí and Tomáš Návrat

Copyright © 2005 Institute of Mechanics of Solids, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bruno University of Technology, Brno

ISBN 80-85918-93-5 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

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Numerical simulation of the bolt head trimming process
Bořkovec J., Petruška J., Foret R.
pages 51 - +9p., full text

An important phase of the bolt production is a bolt head trimming. It is a very fast, complicated process including material failure. For this reasons explicit solver LS-Dyna was used. In the fist part of this paper the ability of LSDyna material models to describe the ductile fracture of metals was investigated both with Lagrange and ALE behaviour of the mesh. The results of this testing phase were used to optimize the model of the bolt head trimming. Several geometrical versions were solved and the results were compared with a help of the cutting work and the contact force. As a next phase the experiment was carried out. The behaviour of the cutting force and the look of the separated material were evaluated.

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