Proceedings Vol. 13 (2007)

May 14 – 17, 2007, Svratka, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2007 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
list of papers scientific commitee
pages 251 - +12p., full text

This contribution deals with computation of stiffness and damping coefficients of aerostatic bearings. Model of bearings is based on Reynolds equation for compressible medium supplemented by description of mass flow through feeding system. Time-series of displacements and internal force are obtained by numerical solution. Linear stiffness and damping coefficients are obtained by means of least squares regression.
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All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.