Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 16 (2010)


May 10 – 13, 2010, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Igor Zolotarev

Copyright © 2010 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague

ISBN 978-80-87012-26-0 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

list of papers scientific commitee

Multi-functioning in biomechanics of laminated wood vs carbon fiber composites
Tesar A., Nasch L.
pages 151 - +13p., full text

Multi-functioning and multi-optimization in the biomechanics of laminated wood vs carbon fiber composites are treated in present paper. Multi-functioning is one of the key features enabling multiple functions to be carried out in laminated wood vs carbon fiber composites and structures with their hierarchical bionics configuration. Theoretical, numerical and experimental assessment of the problem is presented. The application on the shell roof structure designed with multi-function approach suggested is submitted.

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