Proceedings Vol. 20 (2014)
May 12 – 15, 2014, Svratka, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2014 Brno University of Technology Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
list of papers scientific commitee
pages 559 - 562, full text
This study investigates the influence of a widely used method in voice training and therapy, phonation into a resonance tube with the outer end submerged in water (‘water resistance therapy’ with bubbling effect). Acoustic and electroglottographic (EGG) signals and air pressures in the mouth cavity were registered and the formation of bubbles was studied using high speed camera. Bubbling frequency dominates in the spectra of the pressure signal being about 15 dB higher than the amplitude of the first harmonic, which reflects the fundamental frequency of the vocal folds’ vibration. Separation of the bubbles 10 cm under water surface starts when the buoyancy force acting on the bubble is approximately equal to the aerodynamic force in the tube.
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All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.