Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 21 (2015)


May 11 – 14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Jiří Náprstek and Cyril Fischer

Copyright © 2015 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague

ISBN 978-80-86246-42-0 (printed, Extended Abstracts)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

list of papers scientific commitee

Stability of Stainless Steel Prestressed Stayed Columns
R. Pichal, J. Machacek
pages 230 - 231, full text

The paper deals with extremely slender stainless steel columns reinforced for stability by prestressed cable stays running over one central crossarm. Such columns, with the un-stayed slenderness L/r round about 300, are more and more used as the attractive exterior supports of important structures. The structural arrangement can vary according to number of stays, number of cross arms, material of structural elements etc. While some linear bifurcation 2D stability analysis (LBA) and geometrically nonlinear elastic analysis with imperfections (GNIA) were published in the years past, 3D analysis for specific boundary conditions and stainless steel were not published. The brief summary of tests with stainless steel stayed elements performed recently at the laboratory of CTU in Prague is presented. The main part of the paper describes 3D stability analysis of unstayed and prestressed stayed columns as the first part of envisaged research concerning 3D materially and geometrically nonlinear analysis with imperfections (GMNIA) to analyze the test results. FE 3D models of LBA using prestressed stays preventing any compression force are used and optimal prestressing analyzed to receive the maximal critical buckling loading. In the conclusion the comparison with tests is provided.

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