Proceedings Vol. 22 (2016)

May 9 – 12, 2016, Svratka, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2016 Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
list of papers scientific commitee
pages 129 - 132, full text

This paper deals with the design of the whirl flutter aeroelastic demonstrator. It gives a theoretical background of the whirl flutter phenomenon. The main part is focused on the new aeroelastic demonstrator "W-WING", designed at the VZLU. The demonstrator represents wing and engine nacelle of a twin turboprop commuter aircraft. It enables changes of the main structural parameters influencing whirl flutter stability characteristics. Moreover, it includes thrusting propeller. The demonstrator is intended for experimental investigations at the VZLU 3m-diameter low-speed wind tunnel. The results will be used for validation of analytical methods and software tools as well as in the frame of research projects.
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All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.