Proceedings Vol. 23 (2017)
May 15 – 18, 2017, Svratka, Czech Republic
Copyright © 2017 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Brno
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)
list of papers scientific commitee
pages 810 - 813, full text
This paper deals with application of virtual prototype to the heavy-duty vehicle gearbox concept. First the methodology is developed and tested on the single-stage gearbox concept, where the sensitivity of input parameters is investigated and validated by the experiment. The methodology is applied to the heavyduty vehicle gearbox concept, where all inputs parameters are calculated similarly as in case of single-stage gearbox. The virtual prototypes enable to investigate influence of different input parameters on the design parameters, which are necessary at design phase. The surface normal velocity, which is related to noise prediction, can be evaluated. An experimental approach to validate the application on such high level of gearbox has not been performed yet.
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All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.