Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 24 (2018)


May 14 – 17, 2018, Svratka, Czech Republic
Editors: Cyril Fischer and Jiří Náprstek

Copyright © 2018 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Cech Academy of Sciences, Prague

ISBN 978-80-86246-88-8 (printed)
ISBN 978-80-86246-91-8 (electronic)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

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Computational time reversal method based on finite element method: influence of temperature
Mračko M., et al.
pages 561 - 564, full text

Time reversal method is used to focus elastic waves to the location of the original source and reconstruct its source time function. The procedure consists of two steps: Frontal task and Reversal task. In the Frontal task, the medium is excited by an arbitrary source, elastic waves propagate through a body of interest and the dynamic response at few points on boundary is recorded. In the second step (say the Reversal task) the response signal is reversed in time and transmitted back into the medium resulting in focusing in the original source location. It is of practical importance to investigate a case when the medium changes its properties between the frontal and reversal wave propagation steps. An example is a problem of transferring experimentally recorded data to a computational model, where discrepancies in geometry, elastic properties and boundary conditions are expected. Our motivation is to develop a methodology for computation of time reversal problems in commercial finite element software. The results prove that this method is extremely sensitive to the change of temperature and one have to pay special attention to tuning of elastic parameters relevant to the experiment.

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