Engineering Mechanics

International Conference

Proceedings Vol. 27/28 (2022)


May 9 – 12, 2022, Milovy, Czech Republic
Editors: Cyril Fischer and Jiří Náprstek

Copyright © 2022 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

ISBN 978-80-86246-48-2 (printed)
ISBN 978-80-86246-51-2 (electronic)
ISSN 1805-8248 (printed)
ISSN 1805-8256 (electronic)

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Analytical and numerical analysis of thermal structure
Černoch J., Mašek J., Löffelmann F.
pages 61 - 64, full text

Heat conductive structures were designed for the Miniaturized Heat Switch to improve its parameters which are not satisfying in the prior solution. The thermal conductivity is lower than 1.5 W·K-1 and weight is higher than 55.1 g. To design a new efficient heat conductive structure, it was necessary to make their analytical models to compute thermal conductivity and weight. The parameters computed analytically were verified by numerical analysis which confirmed the accuracy of the calculation. The thermal conductivity of new structures is significantly higher with the most promising concept of 2T-shape structure.

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Ownership of copyright in original research articles remains with the Authors, and provided that, when reproducing parts of the contribution, the Authors acknowledge and/or reference the Proceedings, the Authors do not need to seek permission for re-use of their material.

All papers were reviewed by members of the scientific committee.

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